Grades 4&5
Dance & Movement
Materials: Students will need about 3-5 feet of bubble space. Ideally.
Notes: Dancing with your class will help them to feel comfortable. So if you are able please join them in doing this lesson!
It would be great to read, “The Fish and Their Gifts” with your class prior to doing this lesson.
Dancing in slippers can be a tripping hazard. I recommend being barefoot or wearing sneakers.
Materials: None
Notes: Note to students that they will be sitting or standing in their own personal/bubble space. During the lesson, the class will be directed to divide the room into halves, stage right and stage left. The “Give and Take” exercise introduced in this lesson is an invaluable tool for a two part experience (compare/contrast, cause-effect, sequence, etc.). Have students practice dividing the space in half and working the pattern for “The Special Gift” in 4 counts.
Materials: Paper (Optional)
Notes: (Optional) Ask students to write their own verse after the lesson.
Visual Art
Materials: Provided by the MACC - a piece of blank paper for each student.
Notes: Show links to videos listed below. This lesson is designed to revolve around what each student feels in the moment. They can choose what medium to work with, given their supplies on hand and their energy level.
Teachers are encouraged to facilitate and inspire class viewing/listening of “link”; class discussion and creative movement.
Humpback Whale Song Visualization
Humpback Whales Arrive in Hawai'i
Recording of Humpback Whales Singing